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XIKUNDU Gospel Crusade, South Africa, DAY 1:

We have had an incredible start to our crusade here in Xikundu, South Africa!

For the past few months, our team has been preaching the Good News in this Limpopo village and its surrounding communities. They have been ministering on the streets and in the schools, evangelising one-on-one, holding marketplace outreaches and executing mini-crusades. Already, thousands have been impacted by the Gospel.

Tonight, Ev. Samuel Murrombe preached on the prison of sin. This spiritual prison is far worse than any physical prison in which a person may find themselves and it is only Jesus who can liberate the sinner from this terrible bondage. The response to the altar call was glorious with a floodtide of men and women, young and old, pouring forward to ask Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour.

After the personal details of the new converts had been collected and follow-up material given to them, we prayed for the sick and those in need of deliverance. A steady stream of testimonies was heard, including these that follow. The Lord is at work in Xikundu!

Edward is a 65-year-old widower. Over thirty years ago, he was in an accident and since then, his knees had been terribly painful and his mobility restricted. Every day was a struggle. “I experienced the power of God today,” he expressed. “I am healed! I thank God. My life is going to change completely!” Edward kicked his legs on stage, showing off how easily his limbs bent and flexed.

Sabina is a 67-year-old grandmother who had been diagnosed six months ago with ulcers. “I was unable to do any chores at home,” she shared. “The pain in my stomach was too great.” During prayer, the Lord utterly altered her condition. She went from being tormented by pain to being pain-free. “I thank God for my deliverance!” Sabina exclaimed, bubbling with joy.

Tinyiko is 58 years old. She came to the crusade eager to encounter the power of God, being plagued by relentlessly itching skin, all over her body. The Lord did not disappoint. For the first time in several months, the itching has completely stopped. Her skin feels cool and smooth. Tinyiko is thrilled.

Tomorrow we will continue, concluding on Sunday evening. Thank you for praying for our team and the people of Xikundu. Xikundu belongs to Jesus!



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