XIGALO Gospel Crusade, South Africa, DAY 1:
We have kicked off here in the rural community of Xigalo. It was a night filled with wonders! The king warmly welcomed us from stage to his village, opening the crusade with great poise and dignity. Then, I ministered the Gospel. Thousands listened with stunning attentiveness. When the invitation was made to accept Jesus, precious people streamed forward to say an enthusiastic “Yes!” to Him who saves. Our crusades in South Africa are held in remote areas with small populations and hence humbler in size compared to our meetings elsewhere in Africa. This more controllable crowd allows us to invite people forward for salvation. I so enjoy it. They stand right under my nose as they call on the name of the Lord and I can watch the expressions on their faces as darkness gives way to the Light of Life. Our follow-up tent was bustling, details being collected and follow-up material distributed. Prayer for the sick yielded fantastic miracles. There is much demonic activity here and many testimonies spoke of deliverance therefrom. One dear lady shared how she had suffered from the sensation of something moving in her stomach. Sometimes, the thing would try choke her. Another struggled from something moving in her legs, threatening to cripple her. This all speaks of witchcraft. They are now free and rejoicing, completely delivered. A young woman had battled to walk since 2015 when she had injured her leg while fetching water. She was in constant pain. In 2017, she had a tumour removed from her stomach and still felt the aftereffects of that surgery, her insides always paining her. Jesus touched her mightily. She leapt up and down on stage, bending and stretching, torment-free. How marvellous! We have four services still ahead of us. Heartfelt thanks for your prayers. This is only the beginning.
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XIGALO Gospel Crusade, South Africa DAY 2:
What an avalanche of salvation we are experiencing in Xigalo! I ministered on the Samaritan woman tonight and we were overwhelmed by the response. The pastors are ecstatic and eager to start the follow-up process. The churches here are going to explode with new growth. Hallelujah! I preached briefly on the Holy Spirit following the salvation message, laying the foundation for continued teachings tomorrow and Saturday, before we pray for the Holy Spirit baptism. We laid hands on the sick who came forward for prayer. What miracles manifested! Two elderly ladies who both came to the crusade relying on crutches, left aid-free. Alice had suffered from leg ailments for two years. “Someone else can use this crutch now,” she exclaimed, jubilant. Johanna had been in pain for far longer, since 2007. Her kidneys were at the point of failure, her back pains constant. “While I was sitting, I felt the hand of God moving within me,” she explained. “Now, I feel so well. I shall be able to sweep my house again.” Dorris is a mother of three. Since 2012, she had suffered from a severe demonic attack. “People thought I was mad. I was terribly violent,” she shared. “I could not look after my children properly. I told myself to go where there is God because I wanted to be set free.” During prayer, she was mightily delivered from that foul spirit and received Jesus as Lord and Saviour. How fantastic! Dorris arrived on our crusade field a plaything of Satan and left a child of God. This is why we came to Xigalo. This is why we lift on high the name above all names, the matchless name of the Lamb that was slain!
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XIGALO Gospel Crusade, South Africa, DAY 3:
We are on the go here in Xigalo, dear friends. The Lord is at work. The crowd continues to swell as word spreads of what is happening on this dusty, African field. Ev. Samuel preached the Gospel message tonight and it was red-hot in its intensity. The lost poured forward, thirsty for salvation. I followed with a message on the Holy Spirit, building on the foundation laid last night. Tomorrow, we will pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and all are excited. What a service it promises to be! Hands were laid again on the sick and our Jesus worked wonders. Minyuku, a 40-year-old mother of seven, had suffered from severe neck and stomach pains for the past five years. “My stomach was always aching and I could not turn my head. Tonight, I experienced the power of God,” she shared. The Lord healed her completely and this stunning miracle catapulted her into His arms. “I accepted Him because He healed me,” were her words. How glorious! Jesus does not mind proving His lordship. He is so merciful, so loving, so wonderful. We have two more days of meetings ahead of us and your prayers are greatly appreciated. Xigalo is being translated from darkness to light!
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XIGALO Gospel Crusade, South Africa, DAY 4:
Tonight was a night of fire! I preached on John 3 and what it means to be born again. The lost ran to the front, eager to receive Him as Saviour. It was glorious. Then, I taught one final message on the Holy Spirit before we prayed for the fire to fall. What an outpouring took place. My team and I stood in awe as we watched the crowd soak up His presence and power. The sound of new tongues filled the air. Many came forward and knelt or prostrated themselves at the altar, overwhelmed by the Spirit of our Lord. It was absolutely stunning. An army has been raised up here. An army of fire-filled, Spirit-saturated soul-winners. Heartfelt thanks for your prayers. Xigalo has been forever changed. Healings and deliverances happened in hot pursuit. A line of people quickly formed, eager to testify. Crutches were lifted high in the air. Testimony after testimony was heard. Evelyn, a 78-year-old grandmother, was one of those who shared her story. Five years ago, she woke up and could no longer walk. Medical tests yielded nothing. She was confined to a walker. “I came to the crusade because I wanted Jesus to heal me,” she explained. That is exactly what Jesus did. She is ecstatic. “I have been to hospitals and witchdoctors but I did not find peace or healing,” she said. “But, at this crusade, I have found both.” Evelyn has accepted the Lord as her Saviour. “Because He healed my legs, He is my Saviour now.” Bless you, Evelyn. We are thrilled. Dear friends, we have one more night to go. Let us keep pushing forward together and win Xigalo for Him!
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XIGALO Gospel Crusade, South Africa, FINAL DAY:
We gave it our all tonight, one last push. Thousands gathered for the final service. The altar call was the largest yet. I had preached on the sickness of sin, a sickness of the soul. I had shared how only Dr Jesus can heal this horrid disease, one that pulls a soul down into the pit of hell. What joy filled our hearts as we witnessed the enthusiastic response! Between the actual crusade meetings and our pre-crusade outreaches, thousands have called on the name of the Lord and completed decision cards. The churches will now get down to the business of follow-up. We thanked those pastors who took hands with us and handed each a certificate on stage and a copy of my book, Spirit of Fire. This crusade would not have been possible without them. Xigalo is blessed to have such men and women of God. The chairman of the fraternal is a wonderful man. “The work you and your team have done here is greater than the work of presidents,” he said. I was deeply touched. We prayed a blessing over the village and laid hands on the sick and oppressed. Mhlaua (64 years old) was among those who testified. She had suffered from such painful legs since 2012 that she could no longer walk. “I could not work or go anywhere,” she explained. “During prayer, I felt the pain going. My grandchild has been nagging me to come to the crusade and tonight is my first night here. Now, my life will change for the better. All the pain has gone! I wish the crusade would continue because what I’ve experienced is great.” Hallelujah! Thank you so much for your prayers and support, dear friends. This community has been forever changed by our Saviour King. Let us rejoice together. We have had numerous guests on crusade with us this week, from both South Africa and the UK. Some are young evangelists with their teams, eager to learn. Others are believers who simply want to be part of what the Lord is doing on the dusty fields of Africa. It has been a blessing to have them with us.
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