Our tenth crusade in the WOW ALEX initiative was held from 12-14 April in the north-western segment of Alex, known as Marlboro. It was headed up by Ev. Stephanie Ngcobo, an Alex resident. While the weather was chilly, precious people came in great numbers, bedecked in beanies and blankets. The atmosphere was exceedingly joyous. What praise! What dancing! The Lord was zealously magnified and His matchless name adored.
Evangelists Stephanie and Samuel preached the Gospel and the response was tremendous. The lost were saved and their details were collected for follow-up by the local pastors. I taught on the Holy Spirit on both the Saturday and Sunday evenings, equipping those in attendance to witness for Jesus with signs and wonders following. In every meeting, the sick were prayed for and those in need of deliverance. Wonderful testimonies were collected, including those that follow.
Mokiki is a 48-year-old business owner. She had been involved in two accidents, the first in 2005 and the second in 2012. She was confined to a wheelchair, her feet and legs being in constant pain. During the praise and worship, she felt such a desire to jump up and join in the dancing that she did just that—and as she danced, the pain disappeared! Elated, Mokiki is thrilled. “I just want to thank God!” she expressed.
Percy, a 28-year-old butchery worker had been suffering from deep depression for the past year. He already knew the Lord but a sense of despair had overwhelmed him that would not dissipate. During prayer, the cloud lifted and Percy is free. Hallelujah! Kgolotelo is another who had been tormented by depression. A 30-year-old mother of three, the past two years had been lived in a haze of hopelessness. “I was resting only when I was sleeping,” she explained. “I did not know peace, only torment.” Coming forward for prayer, Kgolotelo felt engulfed by the love of God. “I feel so loved! I feel such peace!” she related. “Thank you, Jesus!”
Felicia is 46 years old. For the past several years, she had battled with shortness of breath. Her lungs felt tight and constricted. She could not walk further than a short distance without needing to stop and rest. During prayer, the power of God touched her powerfully. Her lungs are open and her energy levels have soared. Praise the Lord!
Jane is a 64-year-old widow and tea lady. She had suffered a stroke six months ago and found it difficult to walk since then, her right side being painful and uncooperative. After prayer, Jane is ecstatic. “My life has changed. I feel completely well!” she declared, glorifying the Lord.
During the final service, hands were laid on believers for the infilling of the Spirit. The prayer requests that had been submitted during the crusade period were also prayed for, as well as the nation of South Africa. The community of Marlboro has been mightily impacted. The ground on which this crusade was held is frequented by witchdoctors at night, many of whom dance naked while casting their spells. It was the perfect location to preach the Gospel and make the avid declaration: The devil is defeated and Jesus is Lord of Alexandra!
Now, we move on to our eleventh and final crusade in Alex, moving into the centre of the township. Heartfelt thanks for your continued prayers and support!