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MUDULA, ETHIOPIA // 27 -30 JAN 2022

MUDULA Gospel Crusade, DAY 1:

Tonight, we kicked-off our crusade in a splendid fashion! Our service was short but power-packed. It was power-packed because anything to do with Jesus is always power-packed and it was short for two reasons. First, today is market day in Mudula—which thankfully for us, only takes place once a week—which means that everyone (and I do mean everyone) is either selling, buying, transporting goods or herding livestock late into the afternoon. Second, due to ongoing security concerns in Ethiopia, the local government has enforced a strict 6pm curfew on our meetings. Consequently, we were left with a tight window today in which to hold our service.

I preached from Isaiah 61—one of my most favourite passages with which to kick off a crusade—and explained very simply and clearly that the Gospel is good news because it gives a solution to a problem. In summary: Sin is the problem and the blood of Jesus is the solution! The response was spectacular. Thousands raised their hands and lifted their voices, calling on the name of the Lord. Heaven is rejoicing and we are too. Follow-up material was distributed and prayer cards completed.

We then prayed for those in need of healing and deliverance. The Lord moved mightily. While we did not have time to take testimonies today—on account of our late start and the curfew—we will do so tomorrow and I am excited to be sharing them with you soon.

Please continue to pray for Mudula as we labour here in an extremely ripe and ready harvest field. We love and appreciate your support tremendously! We could not do what we do without you.

MUDULA Gospel Crusade, DAY 2:

The Lord is on the move in Mudula! Our crowd tripled in size today. Clearly, word is spreading that God is at work and the services should not be missed.

I preached from Luke 15, telling the stories of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son. What an exquisitely clear Gospel message can be found in these. The people responded beautifully, calling on Jesus together, asking Him to become their Great Shepherd and save them from the devil and hell. It was a magnificent moment!

The Holy Spirit was hard at work during prayer for the sick, setting the captives free. One precious mother came with her 15-year-old daughter, Mitike who had been born deaf. The mother explained how during prayer, her daughter collapsed beside her. “She stopped breathing, I thought she was dead,” this dear woman expressed. Soon, Mitike revived and opened her eyes. Then, the miracle became apparent—she could hear! Praise the Lord! What a mighty miracle!

Three women had been suffering from different ailments for the past six to seven years. Meselech, a 40-year-old mother of ten, had been unable to breathe properly, her lungs sore and straining. Amarech, a 35-year-old widow, had been beset by pains all over her body, her ailments agonising and varied. Arase, a 50-year-old grandmother, had been plagued by a never-ending migraine headache that blinded and incapacitated her. Today, all three women were liberated. They celebrated on stage with contagious delight, dancing and ululating.

Makonin had been unable to walk unaided for the past three years, so painful were his knees, muscles and ankles. A 32-year-old farmer, this plight had made daily life extremely difficult for him. His legs, one could plainly see, were thin and gaunt from lack of use. Now, he is walking and jumping! The pains have vanished and his legs are strong.

Tomorrow we continue, undergirded by your prayers. Mudula is being shaken by the Gospel and the Almighty is showing Himself strong in her midst!

MUDULA Gospel Crusade, DAY 3:

The glory of God has arisen over Mudula! Surely, this is the only way to describe what we are witnessing. This area is besieged by witchcraft and the Spirit of the Lord is banishing the darkness that has held many captive here.

Today, I preached two messages. First, I told the story of Nicodemus and how to become born again. I explained that only Dr Jesus can work this miracle, healing our spirits from the sickness of sin, making them brand new and heaven-bound. The medicine that He uses is His blood—the blood that He shed on the cross for us. When I asked who would like to become born again, the whole crowd it seemed raised their hands, eager to call on Dr Jesus. Together, we did just that, thousands surrendering themselves into His very capable hands. Hallelujah!

My second message was on the Holy Spirit baptism. I began teaching on this glorious topic, explaining what it is and why it is for every believer. I will continue expounding tomorrow, before we pray for everyone to be filled from on High.

Prayer for the sick yielded an avalanche of miracles. A 47-year-old farmer, Ayele had been deaf for the past eight years. In addition to the deafness was a barrage of aches and pains. “I was sick from the top of my head to the soles of my feet,” he shared. During prayer, his ears popped open and every pain disappeared. Wearing a bright blue suit, Ayele jived on stage to the delight of the crowd who danced along with him.

A mother brought her 17-year-old daughter on stage, a beautiful young lady named Kibinesh, who had been tormented by demons for the past three years. The manifestations happened constantly and were excessively violent. Since our service yesterday, those manifestations have stopped. Both mom and teenager are thrilled. “I feel safe and normal now,” Kibinesh expressed. “My life has completely changed. God has made me so happy!”

Marta had been suffering from acute stomach and back pains for the past six years. Eating was difficult—her tiny frame proof of this—and fulfilling her daily chores very challenging for this 40-year-old mother of four. The Lord liberated her utterly and this precious lady is strong once more. “I feel well and healthy again,” she voiced. Amen and amen!

Tomorrow morning, we will gather with all evangelical churches in Mudula for a mass service on the crusade field. Then, come afternoon, we will hold our final service. Your prayers and support are the reason for every salvation, healing and deliverance. Heartfelt thanks! Please persevere with us as we labour in the harvest fields of Mudula for one final day. This town belongs to Jesus!

MUDULA Gospel Crusade, FINAL DAY:

Our time in Mudula has come to a glorious conclusion. This morning, our mass service with the local churches went wonderfully. Ev. Samuel Murrombe preached a red-hot Gospel message that resulted in thousands receiving salvation.

Come afternoon, we awarded Certificates of Appreciation on stage to key pastors and volunteers. They will hold their own ceremony at which they will distribute the rest. They will also distribute 100 copies of the Amharic version of my book, “Spirit of Fire” to evangelical leaders in Mudula as well as copies of two titles by John Bevere, translated into Amharic by his ministry and kindly donated by them.

After all these formalities and gift-giving, I preached on another kind of gift. I preached on the Samaritan woman and her encounter with Jesus, explaining that the gift of God involves God making His home in us and heaven becoming our final destination. Jesus—and Jesus alone—is the giver of this gift. Once again, thousands received salvation as men and women, young and old asked Jesus to give them what only He can give. Hallelujah!

Thereafter, I continued my teaching on the Holy Spirit, explaining how to partner with Him to witness to the lost and pray for the sick. The message was extremely well-received. By the time we prayed for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, everyone was ready—ready to receive and ready to jump into action! Thousands were saturated with the presence and power of the Almighty, speaking in new tongues for the first time, overcome by His greatness and glory. Demons fled and broken bodies were healed as God ministered to His people. We also prayed for all the prayer requests that had been submitted during the crusade period as well as for the nation of Ethiopia.

Some of the incredible miracle testimonies that were heard included that of 30-year-old Eraugo who had been paralysed for the past 17 years, his legs utterly useless. Family brought him to our crusade from where he had been living in an outlying village and the Lord set this precious man free from his affliction. Feeling and strength flooded back into his legs. “I am free!” he voiced. “I have so much happiness!” Kebedech is a 40-year-old mom and wife who had suffered a stroke several months ago that caused the left side of her body to become lame. Jesus touched her and she is now perfectly well. “All glory goes to my God!” she exclaimed.

What a spectacular crusade this has been! Our team is tired but rejoicing. Please keep us in your prayers as we journey home. Please also keep the pastors of Mudula and new converts in your prayers, as well as all the believers who have been filled with the Holy Spirit. Ethiopia for Jesus!




In His Name Ministries Inc. • United States of America • Registered 501(c)(3) • EIN No: 47-2932089

In His Name Ministries • United Kingdom • Registered Charity in England and Wales • Charity No: 1165025

In His Name Ministries NPC • South Africa • Reg No: 2007/019368/08 • PBO No: 930026654

In His Name Ethiopia Ministries • Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia • Certificate No: 00547 • TIN: 0062815687

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