We are off to a red-hot, fire-filled start here in Gambela, a town in the far west of Ethiopia where we crusaded in May 2017. It is located around 50km from the South Sudanese border. Every evangelical church was represented by its senior pastor or a key church leader and we experienced the presence and power of God in a mighty way. Samuel and I preached on the Holy Spirit, laid hands on all the leaders and then distributed books to very eager recipients. The pastors here are exceptional people. One of the programme organisers has been imprisoned eight times for his faith. Tomorrow, we will meet with the South Sudanese pastors who have made the general region their home and established their own fraternal. Thank you for your prayers, they are driving us forward!
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Today is our second day in Gambela. In this town, there is a large Anuak population, a tribe found both in South Sudan and the Gambela Region. They speak primarily Anuak and English. Leaders from their churches gathered together at Emmanuel Baptist Church, a beautifully painted building that sits within a mini-forest of mango trees. We had a glorious time together. How the Spirit moved! He quite overwhelmed us with His presence. I first preached a little from my book—sharing some key points on the Holy Spirit and how He is eager to use us—and then, we prayed for the leaders and gave each a book. Most requested English books and some, Amharic copies. We were happy to oblige, either way. Ethiopia shall be saved and South Sudan shall be saved!
We are in discussions with both Anuak and Nuer leaders (another tribe) about having crusades in the refugee camps in the greater area. These are inhabited by those fleeing the violence in South Sudan. This will be an incredible opportunity for soul-winning and we are praying for breakthrough. Please, pray together with us!
Tomorrow, we will fly back to Addis and then straight on to Dire Dawa, the next stop in our Book Launch Tour.
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We spent yesterday travelling from Gambela to Dire Dawa, a city of half a million inhabitants in the far west of Ethiopia. Less than 3% of its population are born-again believers. It is not permissible for Christians to hire a stadium or hall for an event here—they are only allowed to hold meetings in their own buildings. We gathered with close to two hundred evangelical pastors in the largest church in the city. Samuel and I preached with power and passion, before laying hands on the leaders and distributing the books. We will return to Dire Dawa soon for further meetings. The need here is great and Dire Dawa shall be washed in the blood of the Lamb!
Tomorrow, I will preach at a church in Dire Dawa while Samuel will minister in Harar, a nearby town, where we will have a Gospel Crusade in the near future.
Thank you for your prayers!
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Today, our team is dividing and conquering! Myself, hubby and Nigussie have remained in Dire Dawa and enjoyed a Spirit-saturated, power-packed time as we ministered at the Full Gospel Church here, equipping the saints for evangelism.
Samuel, Elias and Keneni journeyed to Harar early this morning to minister there—a town situated only 40km away, although the distance takes two hours to navigate because of the poor condition of the road.
We will crusade soon in both Dire Dawa and Harar. In the name of Jesus, their small born-again populations will become large, vibrant populations. Amen!
Yesterday, we journeyed from Dire Dawa to Addis. Before we left, books were also sent to pastors in Jijiga, a pivotal town that sits close to the Somalian border. This morning, we drove the three hours from Addis to Ziway, a small town on the banks of a lake by the same name, well-known for its vibrant bird life, bustling fishing industry and feisty hippo population. We crusaded here in December 2018 and were warmly greeted. The churches exploded with growth after our crusade and each involved congregation had to plant multiple new branches that continue to thrive. How fantastic!
We met with pastors and representatives from the twelve denominations that make up the evangelical fellowship in Ziway. Two pastors from Asella also joined us—where we will crusade later this year—and received books to take back to their fellow leaders. They are extremely excited about the upcoming crusade, as are we.
I preached on the Holy Spirit and we laid hands on all in attendance, before handing out the books. We then shared a wonderful meal together, finished off with coffee made the traditional Ethiopian way with beans being roasted and prepared right there and then. Delicious.
Tomorrow, we leave for Shashamane.
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My heart is overflowing with joy as I write this report. We have just had the most wonderful time with the pastors of Shashamane and representatives from the nearby communities of Dilla, Yirga Alem and Aleta Wendo. We have crusaded in each of these locations and the pastors brought exciting reports of how those meetings had impacted their towns. Churches have exploded with growth and Christianity increased. Ethnic tensions have dissolved, soul-winning has become top priority and pastors are unified and working together. Hallelujah, this is why we do what we do!
I preached zealously from my book before we prayed for the pastors and distributed the material. Representatives from Dilla, Yirga Alem and Aleta Wendo received copies to take back with them for their fellow church leaders. We then shared a wonderful lunch together of fish goulash, lamb tibs and injera that was heartily enjoyed by all.
Tomorrow, we drive to Shone for the next stop on our Book Launch Tour. Thank you very much for your prayers. We can feel them undergirding us!
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I am the happiest evangelist there ever was—I am quite convinced! Today, the pastors of the Evangelical Fellowship of Shone gathered together, as well as representatives from Adilo, Angacha Town and Boditi. These are once again all towns in which we have previously held Gospel Crusades.
Embracing these precious pastors and hearing from them the wondrous changes that the Lord worked through the crusades in their communities, filled our hearts with unspeakable joy. “There was so much unrest in our town, but since the crusade there has been peace,” one said. “Revival broke out in every church,” testified another. “Believers began pursuing holiness and fleeing sin like never before,” declared one. “Young people were set free from drugs,” announced another. “So many were saved, so many were healed, we heard testimonies for weeks,” heralded one. How can we respond but with, “Hallelujah!
Jesus is Lord!”
I preached again from my book and we laid hands on the leaders. It was a power-packed time of ministry. We distributed the books—giving stacks to the representatives to take back to their fellow pastors in Adilo, Angacha Town and Boditi. Thereafter, we shared a meal together at a local restaurant (the only one in Shone) and concluded our time together with some strong, locally-brewed coffee.
Tomorrow, we will journey to Arba Minch—the last stop on our tour—where we will meet with the leaders on Saturday and preach in local churches on Sunday.
Thank you again for your prayers and support. Together with you, Ethiopia is being saved!
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Yesterday, we travelled from where we spent the night in Sodo to Arba Minch, a bustling university town with a population of around 200,000. We crusaded here in 2017 and were welcomed by the pastors of the Arba Minch Evangelical Fellowship with great feeling. Throughout our tour, we have been hosted by different denominations: Full Gospel, Mekane Yesus, Kale Heywet. Today, it was the turn of Emmanuel United. In His Name will always be wholly interdenominational because we exist to serve the whole local church. Amen!
What a glorious time we spent in the presence of our Lord. How marvelously He touched our hearts and how vehemently He shook us up for soul-winning! I preached on the Holy Spirit and how to partner with Him in the miraculous, touching on some key points in my book. We laid hands on all the pastors and the Spirit moved mightily. We then handed out the books which were enthusiastically received. Additional copies were given to representatives who joined us from the university. Books will also be taken from here to Sawla and Jinka, nearby towns where we have previously crusaded. We concluded our meeting with a blessed time of food and fellowship at a local hotel, sitting outside under the generous, wide-spreading boughs of massive trees.
Tomorrow, our team will split up and minister at two local churches. Arba Minch for Jesus!
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Today is the last day of our tour. Tomorrow, we will return to Addis Ababa. Our team divided and conquered again, as we did last Sunday. We ministered at two different branches of Kale Heywet, a thriving denomination here in Arba Minch. Both churches were packed to capacity. I taught on the Holy Spirit and we were utterly overcome by His power and presence. It felt as if heaven was touching earth and we were bathing in the glory of God. The hunger of the people here for the Lord is tremendous. They soak up every word preached like dry ground absorbs rain. They are a mighty army of soul-winners, eager to work with the Master to win their town and nation for Him. What a privilege it was to minister to them and empower them for even greater mountain-moving endeavours!
Dearest friend, my heartfelt thanks for your support of this two-week endeavour, both in finances and in prayers. Hundreds of pastors have received copies of the Amharic version of my book, Spirit of Fire. I know that each book distributed will result in thousands of souls being saved, on account of the fire it will kindle within the one reading it—and within those that reader will equip. Please keep these book-recipients in your prayers.
Moving forward, every pastor and church leader who labours with us to hold a crusade here in Ethiopia will receive a free copy. May it become the most wildly-read book in Ethiopia—other than the Bible, of course! Together with you, Africa is being saved.
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