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BAHIR DAR Fire Conference, Ethiopia, DAY 1:

Hello from Lake Tana and the source of the Blue Nile! The city of Bahir Dar—with a population of half a million people—sits on the edge of this massive lake, the largest in Ethiopia. Less than 2% of its inhabitants are born again and it is home to only twenty or so evangelical churches. We are holding our meetings in the largest church in the city and between four and five leaders have been sent from each congregation to participate.

Today and tomorrow, Ev. Samuel Murrombe and I are presenting power-packed teachings on the Holy Spirit and evangelism, during both morning and afternoon meetings. The delegates will be fired up for Jesus and then sent back to their respective churches to pass on the knowledge gained and lead the soul-winning charge. I started this morning with messages on the Holy Spirit baptism and how to partner with Him to win the lost and set the captives free. Samuel ministered this afternoon on the importance of action and how the Spirit-filled believer is always power-assisted.

Tomorrow, we will continue teaching before we lay hands on all in attendance. We will also award Certificates of Completion and the Amharic version of my book, “Spirit of Fire” to the delegates. On Saturday and Sunday, we will hold crusade meetings in the same venue—not being allowed to hire a public venue—to which believers will invite the unsaved.

Thank you for your continued prayers! The pastors here are extremely grateful that we have come. It is rare for outside ministries to hold meetings in Bahir Dar due to the difficulties faced by the believers here. This is not easy ground. Heartfelt thanks for sending us. Bahir Dar belongs to Jesus!

BAHIR DAR Fire Conference, Ethiopia, DAY 2:

What a day! This morning, I taught on the anointing, the gifts of the Spirit, intimacy with the Lord and faith, before Ev. Samuel preached a terrific message on boldness and being fearless for our God. Come afternoon, I highlighted some important points regarding the Holy Spirit baptism and the name of Jesus before we laid hands on all delegates. What a power-packed time we spent in His presence as the Lord filled His children with His Spirit and ministered to them with great intensity. These precious believers are going to shake Bahir Dar for Jesus!

Each delegate received a Certificate of Completion, the Amharic version of my book, “Spirit of Fire” and also, one of our wristbands which breaks the Gospel down into six simple steps, helping the wearer to explain the salvation message and also, helping the person to whom that message is being shared to better understand it. It is now the responsibility of these delegates not only to put into practice what they have learned but also, pass on that knowledge to their fellow believers.

Tomorrow and Sunday, we will hold crusade meetings in the same venue. Let us trust the Lord together for many to be saved, healed and delivered. Thank you for praying for our team and the people of Bahir Dar.

BAHIR DAR Fire Conference, Ethiopia, DAY 3:

We have now shifted to the Gospel portion of our Fire Conference. The believers have been encouraged to bring their unsaved friends and family and both morning and afternoon services are being held. The lost are encountering Jesus, the sick are being healed and the believers who have been equipped for soul-winning are witnessing the Good News in action first-hand!

This morning, Ev. Samuel preached from Matthew 8 and the importance of everyone inviting Jesus into their boat. This afternoon, I taught on the necessity of being born again, sharing the story of Nicodemus from John 4. In both services, the response to the altar call for salvation was terrific. Men and women, young and old surrendered all to Jesus. Here, if one converts from another religion, the consequence includes exile from family and community. It is no small decision to call upon the name of the Lord. Please keep these new converts in your fervent prayers.

Prayer for the sick was followed by tremendous testimonies, including those of two ladies, Tsey and Almaze. Tsey is a 55-year-old housewife. Five months ago, she discovered a small growth in her right arm. The growth became extremely painful and then, that pain started spreading, first into her shoulder and then down the entire right side of her body. It was debilitating and terrifying. Today, as we prayed for her, the growth disappeared and with it, the pain. Tsey is ecstatic!

Almaze is 30 years old. Six years ago, a tumour started developing behind her right knee. It became very large, making walking uncomfortable. Gloriously, during prayer, that tumour vanished. Praise the Lord! Elated, Almaze kept touching the back of her knee, in awe of the goodness of God. “It is gone! The tumour is gone!” she expressed, bubbling with joy.

Your prayers are moving mountains here in Bahir Dar. We have one more day ahead of us. Together with your support, the job will get done. All for His glory!

BAHIR DAR Fire Conference, Ethiopia, FINAL DAY:

While mass crusades are our passion and calling, we also love ministering in places where these are not possible due to religious persecution. In such locations, we hold Fire Conferences to equip and empower local believers for intense, one-on-one evangelistic efforts with signs and wonders following. Last year, we held Fire Conferences in Dire Dawa and Harar, towns in eastern Ethiopia, near the Somalian border. This year, Bahir Dar and Gondar are where the Lord has directed us, both in the northern, Amhara region.

Our final day in Bahir Dar was spectacular with both morning and afternoon services. Our venue was packed, nearby evangelical churches having closed their doors and gathered rather at our conference venue for their Sunday meetings. I touched again on the Holy Spirit and how to work with Him to win the lost—being Pentecost Sunday, after all!—as well as preaching the red-hot Gospel and praying for the sick. We also called the evangelists of Bahir Dar forward and laid hands on them with heartfelt zeal. Emotional testimonies were heard after prayer for the sick, including the two that follow.

Zemedie is 57 years old. For the past thirty years, she has suffered from terrible stomach and back issues. The intense discomfort was her constant companion. During prayer, the Lord touched this dear believer from top to toe, banishing all distress. Overjoyed, Zemedie shared her story. “It felt like my whole body was in pain. Now, the pain is gone! This conference has come at the right time. We are so excited to see what God is doing in Bahir Dar!”

Sifalig is a 30-year-old mother of four children. Five years ago, her mind became foggy. She could not think clearly. She had been trying to advance her education by studying law parttime but had to stop her studies entirely. She struggled to fulfil basic, day-to-day tasks. Desperate, she went to visit a hospital in Addis that specialises in mental conditions, but they could not help her. Yesterday, during one of our services, the mental fog dissipated—and has not returned! “I can think clearly again!” Sifalig expressed, her children clinging to her as she testified. “Thank you, Jesus! I am free!”

Dearest friend, thank you so much for sending us to Bahir Dar. Believers have been set ablaze to preach the Gospel and pray for the sick, the lost have been saved and bondages broken. Let us continue praying for this city. May it become a lighthouse in this region for the preaching of the pure, uncompromised Gospel. Amen and amen!




In His Name Ministries Inc. • United States of America • Registered 501(c)(3) • EIN No: 47-2932089

In His Name Ministries • United Kingdom • Registered Charity in England and Wales • Charity No: 1165025

In His Name Ministries NPC • South Africa • Reg No: 2007/019368/08 • PBO No: 930026654

In His Name Ethiopia Ministries • Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia • Certificate No: 00547 • TIN: 0062815687

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